STASH SALE - Damaged 5cm Wide Woollen Hat Band - 2m


It's STASH SALE time!

These hot pink hat bands have unfortunately caught the sun a little and the colour has faded a little in places. Other than that, they are perfectly perfect!

Measuring 5cm wide, these hat bands are perfect for trimming fitted hats such as fedoras or panamas. Each design has been intricately woven using striking colours of wool and even some metallic lurex threads too! At least one of the ends will be frayed, this is where it has either been taken off the loom or when it has been cut off. The way this trim has been woven has given it a petersham ribbon quality, although we cannot confirm it will have the same characteristics. 

Each of the bands come in extremely long lengths of 2.2-2.6 metres, which means you can get multiple bands out of them. AMAZING! The bands do vary in length, but will always be between 2.2-2.6 metres (2.4-2.8 yards) in length.